- Diapers (varying sizes)
- Baby food
- Baby blankets
- Baby bottles
- Baby bottle-nipples
- Baby bottle-brushes
- Baby shampoo
- Baby wash
- Baby lotion
- Baby wipes
- Socks and undergarments - all sizes women and children
- Hand sanitizer
- Industrial paper shredder
- Black ball-point pens
- Spiral note books
- Journals
- Pocket folders
- Dry-erase markers
- Tampons
- Panty liners
- Hygiene pads
- 8 Oz. or larger shampoo
- 8 Oz. or larger lotions
- Tooth paste
- Dental floss
- New Women's underwear - all sizes
- New Bra's - all sizes
- New Women's socks - all sizes
- New Women's t-shirts - all sizes
- New Teenage boys underwear
- New Children underwear - all sizes and genders
- New Children socks
- Alarm Clocks
- Combs and brushes
- Bath robes